ATS Rhapsody Noida Extension Is Now Available

Ats Group is one of the leading builder in north india specially delhi Ncr region.Our many other project accomplished & running successfully. Rhapsody is best project launched by ATS group in Noida Extension.This project is located in Greater Noida West and in front of NH 24 .Ats Rhapsody provides 3 4 BHK royal apartments with world class facilities at Noida Extension.This is placed in a prime location of Noida Extension residential sector.We fulfill consumers all requirement with timely hand-over the key of the flats. For more details call 917827859347 or visit our prime website s ATS INDIAOffice House no 34 jasola pocket 1 new delhi -110025Telephone 917827859347Working Times Monday - Sunday (9 00AM -19 00PM)Email info(at) s rhapsody



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