Plumber in Bracknell

I m Mike your Local Plumber in Bracknell You can call me direct (24hrs) for all your plumbing and heating needs including any help and advice you may need 07760 547 999 I don t charge A Call Out Fee and only charge when I complete the job to the highest standards set by Professional Plumbers and monitored by Checkatrade I m happy to do the small jobs like Repair toilets that don t seem to flush properly or leak into the pan slow filling toilets taps that drip or need changing showers that run slow or not at all Install shower pumps mixer taps Thermostatic mixer showers and much more. I can also fix central heating and hot water issues including immersion heaters water cylinders and unvented systems. So for Plumbing Heating and Hot water call me direct (24hrs) 07760 547 999 s



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