17 Acres vacant land 4 sale with all mineral rights a monthly ro

Now part of a 27 acre farm in North Benton OH on Foxwood Ct. owner is downsizing. Acreage is approximate and may be more after survey. Lot is over 3300 ft deep and 400 ft wide with 2 corners removed. It is mostly tilled ground now used for corn and beans. It has 3 locations that would be good building sites for a home. One is right at the front close to the road with excellent drainage. The lot has 200 ft frontage on Western Reserve Rd. at this location. Another is approximately 2000ft back on high ground. The third is way at the back between two stands of very tall trees with complete privacy. The woods form a narrow opening to this back lot creating total seclusion looking toward the street and no neighbor homes on either side. If you re a hunter it s perfect. Deer are taken every year at this natural gate. The lot has one working oil and gas well on it at the opening to this back lot. There is a primitive road leading to this well from the front. The lot has mineral rights and receives a monthly oil and gas royalty check from a total of 5 wells in the area. As the pictures show there is a small amount of wooded area near the back with a few highly productive hickory trees and a few chestnut near the front. If you re into motorsports this is heaven. ATV s go-carts bikes snowmobiles love to ride here. Best of all there is NO ZONING here. Any business can be run from your home without intervention. For the kids it s part of the Western Reserve school system with all new school buildings. Shopping is not too far away in Alliance or Salem OH at about 10 miles either way. A 9 hole Country Club golf course is two doors away and Berlin Reservoir is just around the corner. High power boating fishing and water skiing are only a few miles away. There are several marinas to choose from. A lot like this is rare in today s ever congested world asking 7000.00 per acre but will consider any serious offer.



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