IATF 16949 Certification in Mumbai for Automotive Industry

IATF 16949 Certification is applicable to the process of the automotive organization which includes supply chain management. It is also applicable to other functions like designing & development production and installation services of automotive parts and related parts. A group of trade associations and automotive manufacturers has been formed whose sole objective is to improve the quality of products worldwide.Implementation of IATF 16949 Certification in Mumbai should be focused on minimization of risk and implementation of improved or new strategic decisions on Quality management. URS offers an assortment of preparing answers for assisting you with understanding the necessities of IATF 16949 Certification based reasoning and engaging administration. Find more detail www.ursindia.com iatf_16949 mumbai.aspxURS Certification LimitedF-3 Sector 06Noida - 201301 IndiaMobile 91- 9650807813Email info(at)ursindia.com



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