Cruise in the Kerala Backwaters with Gogeo Holidays

Are you in a brainstorming condition in selecting a vacation package Do you want to experience the attractive and picturesque view of nature If the answer is yes then we the Gogeo Holidays suggest a best spot for your vacation which is none other than the God s Own Country Kerala. It is one of the best tourist spots with lots of backwater destinations. We will take you to the famous Alleppey backwaters where you can glitter your eyes with many spots like Kuttanad the birdwatcher s paradise named Pathiramanal Island and also the Punnamada Lake where the famous event Nehru Trophy Boat Race occurs. This scenic backwater destination will also thrill you with exciting houseboat ride. The tasty Kerala dishes like the combination of duck curry rice and Karimeen fry can be enjoyed during your peaceful houseboat voyage. All these luxuries can be enjoyed in a tour package at a budget rate of 2600 INR so don t waste time book your vacation today itself



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