4 BHK Flats in Lower Parel - One Avighna Park

Buy 3 BHK Flats in Lower Parel Mumbai. One Avighna Park offer luxury world-class flats for sale that comes equipped with modern day infrastructure.Facilities at One Avighna Park Indoor & Outdoor GymYoga & Aerobics StudioBadminton & Basketball Court24 - Seat Private TheatreTable Tennis & Indoor Games Cafeteria Snooker & Pool LoungeLibrary & Study RoomIndoor Lap PoolMusic & Dance StudioEmail id media(at)avighnagroup.comLandline number 022 - 50105014Address ONE AVIGHNA PARK M. P. MARG NEAR ITC GRAND CENTRAL LOWER PAREL (E) MUMBAI - 400 012Website s oneavighnapark.com



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