Desktop computer technician

We are looking for a qualified Computer Technician to install maintain and repair computers and networks. You will be the one to ensure that adequate IT infrastructure is in place and is used to its maximum capabilities. As a computer technician you must be well-versed in computer systems and network functions. The ideal candidate will be able to work diligently and accurately and will possess a great problem-solving ability in order to fix issues and ensure functionality. The goal is to install and maintain high quality networks and computer systems. Responsibilities Set up hardware and install and configure software and drivers Maintain and repair technological equipment (e.g. routers) or peripheral devices Install well-functioning LAN WAN and other networks and manage components (servers IPs etc.) Manage security options and software in computers and networks to maintain privacy and protection from attacks Perform regular upgrades to ensure systems remain updated Troubleshoot system failures or bugs and provide solutions to restore functionality Arrange maintenance sessions to discover and mend inefficiencies Keep records of repairs and fixes for future reference Offer timely technical support and teach users how to utilize computers correctly Skills Proven experience as computer technician or similar role Experience with LAN WAN networks Thorough knowledge of computer systems and IT components Good knowledge of internet security and data privacy principles Excellent troubleshooting skills Very good communication abilities with local language Exceptional organizing and time-management skills BSc BA in Computer Science engineering or relevant field Relevant certifications (e.g. CompTIA A ) will b



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