gmkpfmFarm facts Tilling &ndash KisanKraft Limited

What is tilling and why is it an important part of the farming process Tilling is a part of cultivation where the soil is loosened making for air and water to be absorbed and used by crops. It also gives roots more room to spread wider. Depending on what stage of harvest it is done at tillage can be primary and secondary. At KisanKraft we have a wide range of inter-cultivators that perform this function. Check them out here - s 2Oxhw11 Follow us on social media channels Facebook Twitter LinkedIn YouTube. Contact usSri Huchhanna Tower 4 1st Main 7A CrossMaruthi Layout Dasarahalli H.A.F.Post Hebbal Bangalore-560024 (Karnataka) INDIAMissedcall No. 0767 606 5555



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