AVAILABLE NOW Deposit Fees 2500 per monthApplication fee 100Lease 6 months 1-year w a Rent to own optionPets Cats small dogs or large dogsSingle Family Lot 19 602 sq ft 4 bd 3bth 2 722 sq ftHeating Central Furnace Cooling CHA Laundry In Unit. Living Room Master Bedroom Flooring Carpet Hardwood Laminate TileKitchen Features Kitchen Island Granite Counters RemodeledKitchen APPLIANCES Washer Dishwasher Water Heater Unit Description This two-story home has unique features and offers a large in-ground pool and spa private basketball court putting green granite tile countertops and stainless steel appliances in the kitchen ceiling fans a master suite with a walk-in closet and a private bath with jetted tub and tiled shower and a two-car garage. Upgraded features include fresh interior paint and new carpet in select rooms. .DO NOT VISIT THE PREMISES WITHOUT THE AGENT CONSENT For more inquires contact HomeSmart Evergreen Realty951-846-0413



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