Effect of Air Pollution on Human Beings

Environmental pollution has a cumulative effect on the health of not just humans but every living being. Pollution mainly is categorized as air pollution noise and land pollution. Air pollution due to various emissions can cause breathing in toxic pollutants like carbon monoxide sulfur dioxide particulate matter etc. these pollutions have varied impacts. Breathing ailments are common nausea headache dizziness or skin irritations are also observed.Air Pollution is a major environment-related health threat to children. The health of especially those who are the most vulnerable such as children the elderly is at risk from air pollution and a risk factor for both acute and chronic respiratory diseases. To prevent this problem we need to action by govt and also increase awareness among people. ADDRESS Nicki Naturizer India LLP Plot No. 12 Mahila Udhyami Park-II Ecotech-III Greater Noida 201306 (UP) IndiaMo No -- 9667022866 9773710052EMAIL -- info(at)nickinaturizer.comWebsite -- s www.nickinaturizer.com



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