G.S.R.M. Memorial - Best Pharmacy College in Lucknow

GSRM Memorial College of Pharmacy is the Best Pharmacy College in Lucknow. An Institute namely G.S.R.M. Memorial College of Pharmacy 720 Mohan Road Bhadoi Lucknow. A strong feeling of community exists on each campus. Students are given ample avenues for personal growth and explorations of hobbies. All of our campuses are equipped with a wide range of facilities that make life on campus comfortable and fulfilling. Campus life is vibrant and engaging. The campuses also host various student events and festivals. Each component of the festival or event is designated as a department and is again completely student-managed.Best Pharmacy College in Lucknow Nursing Colleges in Lucknow Pharmacy Colleges in Lucknow BSc Nursing Colleges in Lucknow Top B.Ed. College in Lucknow Top M.Ed. College in Lucknow Degree Colleges in Kanpur Road Lucknow Physical Education College in Lucknow Nursing College in Kanpur Road Lucknow.



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