Inexperienced guy

Hello I am posting this advert because I m a very inexperienced guy and would like the opportunity for this to change.I am 33 years old and do not have much experience with women at all. My shyness makes it difficult for me to approach women so I thought I would post an advert here instead.I m looking to meet a woman who would like to build a friendship and have some regular fun times together rather than just a one-off.I m 5 10 short dark hair green eyes and medium build with a few extra pounds. As I mentioned I am quite shy but I am also very caring and friendly.My interests include music (mainly rock) concerts and festivals films and cinema travel and trying new things.I do not discriminate so I am open to meet a woman of any race size etc. Age wise I would like to meet someone around my age but open to the older woman too.If you would like to know anything else please feel free to ask I look forward to hearing from you.Thanks



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