Hands free online home business

Sairui is an e-commerce company originated from China by Mr Zhang Yuan in 2008 and launched in African in Accra as its headquarters in March 2019. Sairui connects manufacturers and customers together to create a mutual shopping link between them so that customers not only buy products but get a life time share of the manufacturers profits and manufacturer s intend get higher profits from the huge purchases from loyal customers. This is a win win relation by Mr Zhang. Sairui Shopping Mall can be described as a home based virtual Mall where the mall gives a customer two free products as a gift and then sell those free gifts and credit the customer s account within 10 days. Registration & Trading Capital VIP1: $25 + no trading fee =$25 VIP2: $50+ $90 trading fee =$140 VIP3: $100+ $180 trading fee = $280 VIP4: $300+ $540 trading fee =$840 VIP5:$600+ $1080 trading fee =$1680 Items To Be Traded Within 10 Days VIP1: anti radiation sticker for appliances. NB: No trading. Item ship to customer. VIP2: Quantum beauty spray. Ship to customer. VIP3: quantum eye glasses. To be ship to customer. VIP4: Quantum pendate. To be ship to customer. VIP5: Quantum foot messager 10 Days Benefits VIP1: 1 anti radiation sticker with no cash VIP2: 1 beauty spray with $7 VIP3: 1 eye glass with $14 VIP4: 1 pendate with $21 VIP5 1 foot messager with $48 After customer received the product and his or her account credited with the sales of the gift items/ products plus the trading capital, the whole process can repeated all over again. So within a month a customer can receive three purchase products and it s corresponding free gifts in cash. Example: VIP3 customer will receive 3 eye glasses plus $42 together with his trading capital. Other Benefits of Sairui 1: Chain Store Benefit (3% one downline) 2: Direct Sharing or Referral benefit (20% one time) 3: Service Benefit (12% daily) 4: Chain Service Benefit (20%, 50%, 75%, &100%) 5: $300 mobile phone award 6: Car award 7: Tour of China Contact me for registration details See you on board!



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