Beautiful old wood Solid Flooring -Reclaimed White Oak and Recla

Please check us out on the web fill out our get samples form and we will send you out pieces of this beautiful old wood Reclaimed White Oak and Reclaimed Heart Pine and we also offer Old Growth Douglas Fir... contact us to today we will not be undersold on comparable wood flooring We now have a very limited supply of 5 white oak great pricing on this at only 7.50SFReclaimed Solid Wood Flooring Wide Plank Beautiful Circle Saw face Hit & Miss or Clean face this is a limited supply. Solid Reclaimed 3 4 thick Wide Plank 7 -- up 11 wide Long lengths can be at times up to 16 feet long Unfinished Indestructible white oak and hardened with years antique long leaf heart pine. Reclaimed from century old textile factories beautiful circle saw face marks from the old circle saw left in from milling. The wood is estimated to be between 300 -- 500 years old. References available Free Samples Please like us on Facebook page s AmericanReclaimed Call us we will be happy to discuss your project and send you out your free samples.Thanks for looking



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