2000 Acres for Sale in Tennessee

Fenced paradise on Clear Fork River This large tract of property has so much to offerCall Steve (at)5612035903 for pricing www.tnlandsales.com check out videowith approximately 25-50% of acres of pasture fields and Clear Fork River frontage. There are beautiful rock outcroppings all along the river and throughout the property.Call Steve (at)5612035903 for pricing www.tnlandsales.com check out videoThe river is the county line that separates Morgan and Fentress counties. This is also where eastern and central time are divided. There is some recent timbering on the property of some of the hardwoods surrounding the fields but most of the timber has not been logged in decades. Call today for your private tour of this great tract.Call Steve (at)5612035903 for pricing www.tnlandsales.com check out videoProperty Features - 75 minutes to Knoxville 2.5 hours to Nashville- fence surrounding property- Clear Fork River frontage- pasture fields- Large rock outcroppings- Road and trail systems- Mature timber- ATV UTV Horse riding- Low taxes2 lots (1500 acres 500 acres) as low as 3000 per acres all 2000 acresmay be able to split on 200-500 acres parcelsfor pricingCall Steve (at)5612035903 for pricing www.tnlandsales.com check out videoBuy Land In Deer Lodge Tennessee 37726Morgan County Area



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