Two Rooms For Rent

3bedroom 2bath townhome whereas 2 bedrooms are for rent. One room is upstairs near a shared bathroom.The other room has a connected walk-in closet and private bathroom ( of course I am seeking a higher rent fee for this room). Both are unfurnished- you must provide your own furnishingsPerfect for someone that would like to get on their feet there is bus access located at the entrance of the complex laundry is on-site as well ( coin machines).Located near I-30 Ferguson areaMust be ok with pets small Shih Tzu in residenceMust be ok with children as well ( 2 teens residing in-home)Non-Smoking ResidenceMust pay 150 deposit for move-in (nonrefundable)Upstairs Room 440 per month (utilities included)Downstairs Room w Private Closet and Bathroom 600 per month (utilities included)Cash Payments ONLY due between the 1-3 of each month after 3rd subject to 75 late fee. Please reply to this ad if you are interested



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