Logo Design Services in Calgary

Starting a new business Want to take your existing business to the next level Get a logo designed today Logo design will help your business get noticed quicker A trendy logo will make your business stand out over the other businesses that your customer will have to choose from. Having a logo that stands out will land you more customers which equal more profits for less spending. Some people also get to the point where they will identify your business without even knowing the name - just by the logo Logo design starts at 350 this includes 4 sample designs based off of information we get from you. First round of proofs you choose which elements you like we modify the logo over the next 2 rounds and a final logo should be choosen by the 3rd round of changes. Then we will send you a custom built logo kit this kit includes most of the common formats all hi res for any application. Keep in mind this is a budget service being organized and knowing what you want will be in your favor for this package.We do build brand packages for customers on occasion these are for the person who needs direction on the over all business identity. This is a very specific service sometimes taking a substatial amount of time. Branding packages start at 2500. Contact me



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