Carrollwood executive home a 4 bedroom 3 bath 3400 sqft home that has lake access to ski lake carroll has been newly remodeled has a pool fenced lot with huge trees. Its a large spacious home in old carrollwood. This home is right off dale mabury hwy and is in a great location. The home has a pool fridge stove stainless steel fridge and stove. BRAND NEW AC UNITAs you walk into the home you are welcomed by a dinning room and a large living area. scaling behind the living room is another very large room that has plenty of space. The backdoor in the room leads out to a huge fenced yard with a pool sitting in the middle. This home is great for cookouts or parties. In the front of the home you have a covered carport as well as several storage areas. This home is located in the highly desirable Carrollwood area. 10406 reclinata lane tampa fl 33618 -carrollwood-old carrollwood-ski lake -executive home -mature oaks -large lot -ranch style home -large executive home-ski lake carroll-lake carroll beach park-sandy beach front -lake access to ski lake carroll-access to lake carroll beachfront park



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