Lighten Up Your Outdoor Areas With LED Flood Lights From LEDMypl

Specially designed to light up large areas LED Flood Lights are the perfect solutions to light up stadiums billboards sports arenas etc. LEDs convert only 5% of the total power into heat and the rest of it is converted into lumens. These lights can serve three purposes wall washing wall grazing and shadowing. Wall washing means to wash the wall completely with illumination wall grazing means to highlight a particular pattern on the wall. Shadowing means to create a shadow of a particular object in the lawn or any other outdoor. Because of their bright illumination these lights are also known as LED security lights. See here features of LED flood light given below High energy-efficient Dimmable Long lasting 50 000 life hours Rebate eligible Without photocell High CRI IP65 rated So don t wait for long time to purchase LED flood light from LEDMyplace at cheap price. If any concern feel free to call us at 815-697-5223 and visits



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