KREG ROUTER TABLE SYSTEM with Porter Cable 31 4 H.P. variable speed router motor Jessem Mast-R-Lift router lift locking swivel wheels deluxe fence feather boards 1 4 and 1 2 inch collets New in Box Porter Cable 12 deluxe dovetail jig Porter Cable BISCUIT JOINER 7AMP DELUXE PLATE jOINER with a solid case BOSCH ROUTER FIXED BASE. 15 AMP 2.3 HP variable speed 1 4 and 1 2 collets KREG k-4 POCKET HOLE SYSTEM WITH ASSORTMENT OF SCREWS Kreg 24 rip cut ALUMINUM CIRCULAR SAW GUIDE kma2685 Several KREG FACE CLAMPS GORILLA GRIPPER one-man sheet goods handler helper 2 EACH BESSEY 31 k-body Revo parallel clamps DEWALT MOTOR TRACK SAW IN HARD CASE PLUS TWO 4 LONG SECTIONS OF TRACK WITH JOINER FREUD 44-104 Tripple Flute Flush Trim Router bit included but NOT new is a CRAFTSMAN 10 TABLE SAW WITH SEVERAL NEW BLADES NEW IN PACKAGING. ALL NEW ITEMS RETAILED AT HOME DEPOT TOTAL 2521.00. I WILL TAKE 1999.00 FOR EVERYTHING. At this time I am not interested in selling piece-meal.



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