Best International Schools in Bangalore Bangalore International

Redbridge International Academy is one of the best international schools in Bangalore. They are the best school in Bangalore south. They provide ICSE IGCSE IB curriculums. They are the winner of the prestigious Infrastructure Provision Award by Education and Best Institutional Architecture Award by BERG Singapore. Redbridge International Academy is an International School authorized to offer both ICSE (Indian Certificate of Secondary Education) and IGCSE (International General Certificate of Secondary Education Cambridge UK) Curriculum. Redbridge is also accredited as an IB School and is authorized to offer the International Baccalaureate Diploma Program (IBDP). Complete with an aesthetic appeal open spaces spacious classrooms and ample room for children to learn and play Redbridge fosters creativity and holistic development through personalized attention. This is a state of the art international school situated in the countryside of Bengaluru which is said to be India s Garden City near Electronic City. This school provides both a day school and boarding school it is spread over a sprawling 13-acre environmentally-friendly campus. The academic fraternity has a cross-spectrum of students and expert faculty from across India and abroad.To know more click on the link ahead



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