Samsung J2 Nice Like New Smartphone

Android 8.1 (Oreo)HD DisplayMicroSD (Up to 400GB)Easy Mode5.0 Main Display SizeHIDE ALL SPECS TypeAT& T CarrierColorColorGold Main Display Size 5.0 Camera resolution (Front) 5MP front-facing camera Camera resolution (Rear) 8MP Frequencies and Data Type 2G GSM GSM850 GSM900 DCS1800 PCS1900 3G UMTS B1 (2100) B5 (850) B8 (900) LTE B2 (1900) B4 (AWS) B5 (850) B7 (2600) B66 (AWS-3) B71 (600) OS Android 8.1 Oreo Weight 5.4 oz Product Dimensions (inches) 5.6 x 2.8 x 0.4 Battery Standby Up to 325 hours of standby time Battery Talk Time Up to 16 hours of talk time Battery Type and Size 2 600 mAh 1 month oldcomes with charger and cableworks goodnice screen



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