Eco Water softening system for Aqua Hatcheries in Chittoor

ALKARA water conditioner with GERMAN Technology gives best solution to the problems of hard water.ALKARA presenting you Domestic Commercial Irrigation and Industrial water solutions. ALKARA technical experts visit your place and give you the right inputs which suits your water needs whether it is commercial or residential. Aqua Water Softener Animals can survive longer without food than they can without water. Water is involved in every aspect of animal metabolism. To remain healthy Aqua require water of adequate quality and quantity. Hard water effects on Aqua Heavy minerals of Hard water decreases the growth and weight of fish prawns.Alkara water conditioner Improves the oxygen levels of water & avoids fish from suffocation enhances the growth and weight of fish and prawns. It gives crystal clear healthy water with better ph level. Improves Water penetration & Save Water usageUnblocks the dripper and sprinkler with scaling.Prevents build up scale formation clog and pipe corrosion.Drip lines stay clean Ball valves and taps operate smoothlyNote Price depends on the pipe size of respective site. Basic Unit Price 3 4 inch - 29736 -For Further details -Please Visit www.alkara.inContact 09000580256



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