Looking for a Girlfriend

Hello I m seeking a woman age 18-35 to be my girlfriend. I prefer somebody closer to my age by about 5-7 years at the youngest but as long as you are of legal age and you think we could share something I m all for it. Even if you are a couple years older than me I am open to that as well. I just want somebody I can talk to for hours or all night without tiring or running out of things to say cuddle with make-out with share sweet kisses play footsie with each other under the table travel together go hiking walking and much more. I m a very romantic individual and am tired of being so alone especially around holidays my birthday and other peoples weddings. In 2020 I am hoping that I have somebody to share all the great things that will be happening in my life.A little about me I m 34 single never married no children never been in a relationship I don t drink I don t do drugs and I m Hispanic if that matters at all. I have many hobbies and interests with knowledge and skills in a lot of things and I m inspired to improve and perfect the skills I do have and learn new ones along the way. I m also very weird or eccentric and I am proud of it. However some things I say think about or even do some people find strange and are a bit turned off by them. I tried to change that but I can t. It s just who I am. When I am not allowed to be the real me and have to censor myself or hold back my true self I feel less confident and less happy. However I try to play the part anyway and do as others suggest to please them. I hate doing that though. I just want to find somebody who is going to truly love and accept me for everthing that I am and everything that I am not without judgement or conditions. I also prefer somebody who doesn t drink alcohol or do drugs either.I m looking for true love that will someday lead to marriage and children and growing old together hopefully happy and still so very much in love after 50 years together if we get lucky to be together for 50 years at least. I have so much love to give to somebody if only given the chance. However it needs to be mutual. I don t do unrequited or one-sided relationships. Not worth my time. I deserve better than that. Love is about honesty trust respect reliability communication equality and openness with each other.I m not even sure if this is worth mentioning but I also hope to find somebody that shares my beliefs about no sex before marriage or at least saving yourself for true love because that is what I am doing. I am waiting for true love first and foremost but prefer to wait till marriage. I don t know if I will be blessed to find a partner like that but I only hope and pray that God will bring her and I together.Anyway I hope to hear from somebody.



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