Wadhwa Win Win Mulund - 2 2.53 BHK Apartments Starts Price 1.3

Wadhwa Win Win located at Goregaon Mulund Link Road Mulund West. Mulund West is a very prominent locality in Mumbai. It is easily accessible from the other vital zones of the city. It boasts several key landmarks such as Bank of baroda ATM Chinese Restaurant Devkunj charitable eye hospital SS Vaze School & Aditi Hospital. The apartments are spacious and the big windows provide all the natural light and air. It overlooks a great view of the evergreen complex. Continuous supply of water and electricity is ensured for all the flats for the convenience of the residents. This residential complex is located near all the important shopping centers hospitals restaurants offices banks and educational institutions. Situated in close proximity to the Eastern Express Highway Nahur Railway Station and the upcoming metro station it provides easy connectivity to all parts of the city quite easily. Call Now-9250005154 Visit Uss www.smcrealty.com project wadhwa-win-win



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