White Marble Supplier in India

White Marble Supplier in India White Marbles can also be customized as per the order. White marbles are available in Natural Blocks Processed Slabs & Tiles. Marble is basically used for floorings wall claddings borders and designs handicraft items. It can be placed in Bedrooms Dining Halls Kitchens Lobby s Parking Storerooms Religious Places and many more. Makrana Pure White Marble is the best quality marble which is mined and manufactured at Makrana (Rajasthan). It is used from the ancient time to made historical monuments and temples. It is a natural white marble stone. Marble is perfect choices for interior and exterior decorations. Demand for White Marble in Indian and International Market always get increase. s www.bhutrastones.com Contact Details Address Ahead Bharat Petroleum (Nrl) Kalidungri Makrana Road Kishangarh - 305801 (Raj.) INDIAPhone No 9001156068Web s www.bhutrastones.com Email bhutrastones11(at)gmail.coms twitter.com Bhutrastones s www.instagram.com bhutrastones s in.pinterest.com bhutrastones s www.linkedin.com company bhutra-marble-granite s www.facebook.com Bhutra-Marble-Granite-663343044113168 s www.bhutrastones.com indian-marble s www.bhutrastones.com imported-marble s www.bhutrastones.com indian-marble s www.bhutrastones.com indian-granite



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