Londonderry NH - Officecommercial for leas (1825 - SF). 1st floo

Unit 2 1 825 - SF is a 1st floor unit with a mix of private rooms offices and larger open areas for cubes medical or other uses needing open space. Unit features a private restroom additional sink reception area and excellent light due to corner location in building. Tower Hill is a two building facility with a mix of tenant types including general office medical service retail dentistry and day care. Multiple units from efficient units to larger units. Units are located both on Route 28 side of building as well as reverse side. First and second floor units exist. Ample parking and excellent signage and exposure. Property is located just seconds from Exit 5 I-93 for easy access for customers and employees. Natural gas public water and sewer in buildings. 14 PSF plus utilities (Modified gross) Scott ReiffBerkshire Hathaway Verani Commercial Real EstateLicensed in NH & MAOne Verani Way Londonderry NH 03053Direct 603-845-9972 F 206-600-6908 C agent scott-reiff



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