Zia pest control

Zia Pest Control, we give highest importance to compliance and risk management, with a high-level customer centric customer care agent; we provide un-matched level of professionalism to full fill your pest control needs. ( For Further details contact 957 : NAWAZ K on 73381 22228 OR [email protected] ) Benefits : 1. A complete hassle free safe and safe solution for elders, kids and pets. 2. No need empty your kitchen. 3. Long- lasting and highly efficient treatment which can be carried out any time of the day. We Provide Pest Control Service For: Residents, Office, Apartments, Hospitals, Schools, Kindergarten, Restaurant, and Builders & Developers. Cockroach Service Details: Single Service comes with three months warranty. Yearly service comes with yearlong protection with assurance. Bed Bug Service Details: Two Service comes with 45 days at interval 15 days. Wood Borer Service Details: 6 months contract includes 3 services. 1 Year contract includes 6 services. Termite Service Details: 1 Year contract includes 1 service and 1 check up it gives round the year protection. Mosquito Service Details: this service stops mosquitoes from breeding and kills new mosquitoes and helps in protecting against disease like dengue.



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