Buy a beauty rest mattress in Vernon for a comfortable good nigh

Take a second to reminisce about all the mattresses you have dreamed on over the years. City Furniture & Appliances is the place to get the best Mattress for your bed to have a good night s sleep. We offer our clients a wide variety of mattresses which consist of coils gel beads memory foam etc. The quality we offer our clients is durable and comfortable. Visit us to buy a beauty rest mattress in Vernon. Put your money into a mattress that s made to last offers support durability and comfort for years.Visit s en catalog product 385622-Beautyrest-City-Nights-Eclipse-Firm-Ma ttress-Set-QueenEmail info(at)cityfurniturebc.comContact (250) 549-3121Address 5401 Anderson Way Vernon BC V1T 9V1



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