Babies Bloom Green Electric Baby Nail Clippers Nail Trimmer for

Babies Bloom Baby Nail Trimmer protects your growing baby from scratching their own baby soft skin by softly trimming their nails with safe baby nail files. With a quiet motor you can trim their nails while they re sleeping without them ever knowing. The best nail clipper for children of all ages. Safe baby nail care tool that can quickly and safely trim and polish baby s toenails and nails. -6 in 1 design equipped with 6 padded sandpaper at precise grain levels to meet the needs of trimming nails for new-borns and adults.s shop babies-bloom-green-electric-baby-nail-clipper s-nail-trimmer-safe-baby-nail-file-for-new-bo rns-to-toddlers-with-light-green-batteries-no t-included ADDRESS GH-14 Paschim Vihar New Delhi (110087) IndiaPHONE 91 11-45680391 91-9811617711EMAIL online(at) babiesbloomstore(at)



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