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Your hair is your crowning glory an important asset of your personality that can complete your overall appearance and frame your face. Since your hair represents your personality it is important for you to take care of them keep them clean trimmed moisturized offering scalp massages so that they look soft neat and shiny. Your hairdo flatters your personality and enhances your looks.A lot of us cut our hair and try different styles get happy or even disappointed at the results not knowing what suits our face and how. Some like long and straight hair few love their curls some don t want to get fussy with their hairdo and few want to keep it short and simple. The idea is that one style can t fit all.There are many types of hairstyles that you can choose from and before you do we will tell you what suits who and how. Find out.Long faceCreating the illusion of width to strike a balance is the best way to go about it if you have a long face. Go for side-swept long or chin-length styles. Even curls and waves will suit your face type. You must avoid extremely long or short hair. Remember any top salon will suggest you that such extreme hairstyles are only going to affect the necessary width of your face and focus more on its length.Oval faceThis is probably the perfect shape on which any hairstyle can suit long or short curly or straight go for what excites you Oval faces usually do well with layers. You must avoid the kind of hairstyle that seems to add much to your top as it will make your face look longer.Round faceYou will need to take out some width by adding some length to your face if you have a round one. You will need to create that illusion of length. It is advisable to get in touch with a top hair stylist and have haircut right below the chin and avoid short hairdo in single length or blunt cuts as it will only focus the round shape of your face even more.Heart shaped faceHeart shaped faces look pretty but the pointed chin needs to be worked on so that it doesn t take away all the necessary attention that needs to fall on the eyes first. Wearing side-swept bangs long layers on top or fringe on the brow is a suitable option for heart shaped facial structure. You can also opt for a hair growth that promotes layers touching cheekbones.Square faceAngular jaw is remarkable of a square face and if you can draw attention away from the jaw you have found your most suitable hairstyle. Putting texture like short curls or long layers that begin right below your jaw line and avoiding bluntly cut bangs or one-length bobs can be a good idea. A professional beauty salon will advise you not to opt for any hairstyle that emphasizes the square shape of your face.There should be someone to guide you before you make an attempt for a hairdo. So let us do the needful and help you choose the best hair treatment that suits you Verb Salon is the best Aveda salon Toronto can flaunt so get it done by the professionals Address - Verb Salon 1 Brookdale Ave M5M 1P2 TorontoCall - 4169010574E-mail - verbsalon(at)gmail.comwebsite -



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