Ace Divino Construction Update - Greater Noida West

Stressing about investment in residential property We are 24 7 available to assist you in making your life s best investment. Ace Divino launched by ACE Group that is the best residential project in Greater Noida West. Ace Divino construction will emerge you in the greenery in its 5 acres of green landscaping. This residential project offers 2 BHK and 3 BHK apartments in Greater Noida West with sizes available from 995 Sq.ft to 1565 Sq.ft.All the flats are east facing best direction according to Vaastu. 3-sides open and facing the greens. Well connected to NH-24. Near to upcoming metro station. These best residential apartments Ace Divino curls along the high street and the possession will be offered in 2023. Go for it now and avail the special offer going for limited period only where you just have to pay Rs 3.45 L and book your Ace Divino apartment in Noida. Your Home sweet home also has the stress- free payment plan of 40 40 20 with other superb deals trending to make your home buying easy. PropertyinNoida ConstructionUpdate ResidentialApartments 2BHKApartment 3BHKApartment For more information kindly visit on



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