23 BHK Residential Apartments - Ace Divino

Why not choose the best address as your ideal living destination If you think to live king size life then be at the Ace Divino best residential apartments. Located at the prime destination at Greater Noida West this project jumps beating the rest. These 2 3 BHK residential apartments are all east-facing 3-sides open and also having the green views. The sizes available are 995 Sq.ft to 1565 Sq.ft. This project will be fruitful as it is compliant to Vaastu and promotes green living with 5 acres of green landscaping.This best residential project in Greater Noida West is located near to upcoming metro station well accessibility to NH-24 a close approach to Noida and reach in no time to Central Noida and Ghaziabad. Operational malls schools and other social infrastructures are well connected to the location. Book today 2 3 BHK residential apartment at Ace Divino by just paying Rs 3.45 Lakhs as booking amount. Also get no charges for 3 years maintenance AC in every bedroom wardrobe covered car parking and modular kitchen. ACEDivino 2BHKResidentialApartments 3BHKResidentialApartments ResidentialPropertyYou can even visit on www.paramhomes.com ace-divino-56



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