Condo in quiet community for family or UCI student group

Feature Spacious View Condo in family-oriented Quiet Neighborhood view living view balcony view dining and kitchen. Newly renovated 3 bed 2 bath. 1200 sqft Air Condition Space 600 sqft Non Air Condition private SpaceLocation Moulton Ridge Route Please just google map Laguna Hills DMV for general locationClose and easy access to and from Freeway 5 and 405 Walk to grocery store bank restaurant DMV Big Lots... Take the bus to school or the beach...Electric range Dish Washer Cloth Washer (rental) Dryer (rental). The dinning area extends to balcony with sliding glass doors that look down to community share open spacious share back yard with a landscaped lawn. View - Living Dinning Kitchen and Balcony open to City View beyond. 2 full Bathrooms with tiled flooring and hand sink room at lower level. Master bedroom has large sliding glass door open to large share community back yard. All bedrooms are spacious with natural light. This property is available now unfurnished on a 12 month lease.Reference and credit check required 30 nonrefundable credit check fee per person apply. Move in deposit one month rent (with good credit score) Total move in rent deposit (good credit good rental histoy steady job) otherwise rent x 3Please tell us little about you with E-mail for consideration such as how many people and pet situation. Sorry we are a smoke-free house community required 30ft away from any structure for a cigarette. Thank you for looking.Will ask for 1. Employer letter or the latest pay stub 2. First and last month rent in certified check money order or cash 3. Void check to verify bank account.-Sewer Trash paid - Spacious Kitchens with Breakfast Bars - Vertical Blinds - Heating - Ceiling Fans in Dining Areas - Tile Wppd Flooring. - 13ft long large Master bedroom closet - Private Patios and BalconiesCommunity Amenities - On-Site and On-Call Management and Maintenance - Laundry Care Center near by - Close to Shopping Dining and Beach - Private Carport Parking - Resident Clubhouse - Easy Access to the 55 405 and 5 Freeway - 2 Large Swimming Pool 2 Spa 1 Children pool 1 weight roomTo Qualify Please tell us little about your current rental situation how you support your currently support your month housing expense any fix monthly loan such student loan or car loan or any other fix amount payments. Income should exceed 8000 mo. Must be willing to move within 21 days or sooner. Must have good credit rental history Verifiable income past 2 years.



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