1799mo 3 beds 2.5 baths 2646 sqft - Hiram GA

Lease for 1 799 mo 3 beds 2.5 baths 2 646 sqft Home Features & Amenities Deck Garage Tile Fireplace Walk in Closet Smart Home Pet Friendly Stainless Steel Appliances Granite Countertops Laminate FlooringNearby Schools School Name Grades Bessie L. Baggett Elementary School PK-5 J. A. Dobbins Middle School 6-8 Sam D. Panter Elementary School PK-5 Call to get Pre-Qualified and get started now OFFICE PHONE 404-449-9029 We re open call or text us today at 404-449-9029 7am to 7pm Monday - Friday 9am to 7pm Saturday - Sunday



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