Restaurant Manager

Sushi California Japanese Restaurant is located at 101-20121 Willowbrook Dr. Langley BC V2Y 0L3. We are currently looking for a permanent full time Restaurant Manager. If you are interested please submit your resume by mail or e-mail.Position Restaurant ManagerWages CAD 25.00 hourTypes Full-time PermanentWorking hours 30 40 hrs weekBenefits -4% of vacation pay-Free meals at workJob Duties -Manage daily operations of the restaurant -Monitor restaurant sales decide proper price for foods and control budget and inventory(receipts bill payments and etc.) -Plan and coordinate overall employee schedules -Monitor employee performance and do evaluations meetings -Review the amount of food ingredients food left-over to make orders and negotiate with suppliers -Deal with customer s complaints and resolve the situations to ensure customer satisfaction -Deal with all emergency situations -Recruit (resume review interviews) educate and supervise employees and training -Have staff meeting to discuss problems to make improvement.-Monitor the food process to make sure the food is ready for the customers on time.Job Requirements - 2 3 years of experience in the food service sector including supervisory experience required-Completion of secondary school-Completion of a college or other program related to hospitality or food and beverage service management is an assetLanguage at work EnglishJob Location Langley BCContact Information a-E-mail sushicalifornialangley(at) 101-20121 Willowbrook Dr. Langley BC V2Y 0L3



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