Food Service Supervisor

Wetaskiwin AB 16.00 hour 2 Vacancies Employment groups Indigenous people Newcomers to Canada Permanent Full time 40 hours week As soon as possibleJob requirementsLanguages EnglishEducation Secondary (high) school graduation certificateExperience Will trainAdditional Skills Establish methods to meet work schedules Train staff in job duties sanitation and safety proceduresSpecific Skills Supervise and co-ordinate activities of staff who prepare and portion food Estimate and order ingredients and supplies Ensure food service and quality control Maintain records of stock repairs sales and wastage Prepare and submit reports Establish work schedulesHow to applyBy email wetaskiwindq(at)hotmail.comBy mail 4415 56 STREET WETASKIWIN AB T9A 1V4Job location 4415 56 STREET Wetaskiwin AB T9A 1V4



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