WORKING CONDITIONS Position Bakery Machine Operator Food Processing Vacancies 20 Remuneration 12.50 - 15.50 per hour Working time 40 hours per week Term Permanent and Full-time Location 1220 St George Blvd Moncton NB E1E 4K7 Canada Language English REQUIREMENTS Education A minimum of Grade 12 or equivalentWork experience less than 1 year of work experience as a machine operator in manufacturing environment or on job trainingJOB DESCRIPTION Set up and operate machines to perform repetitive machining operations Operate machinery to process and bag box or otherwise package food products Observe gauges computer printouts and video monitors to verify specified processing conditions Maintain shift log of production and other data Check products for defects and to ensure conformance to company standards Operate single-function machines to grind extract mix blend dry freeze cook or otherwise process food or beverage products Check products to ensure conformance to company standards and clear machine blockages as required Record production information such as quantity weight size date and type of products packaged Prepare and maintain the production area for upcoming scheduled production Start date ASAP



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