Ace Divino Residential Project &ndash Residential Property

So huge and so grand is what that defines Ace Divino residential project at Greater Noida West. Ace Divino is the quick selling and best residential project in Noida Extension. They are affordable 2 BHK and 3 BHK apartments in different sizes of 995 Sq.ft to 1565 Sq.ft. Ace Divino is developed by Ace Group which is known for it s a high level of quality construction. It is widely spread over 10.42 acres of land area with almost 5 acres of green landscape. 2BHK and 3BHK residential flats in Greater Noida West are all east-facing and are 3 sides open. Located near the metro station along the expressway that connects to NH-24 malls and other social infrastructures are in close vicinity. Book Ace Divino apartments today by paying just Rs 3.45 lakhs and also no extra charges for covered car parking AC in every bedroom Wardrobe etc.You can even visit on



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