Carpet Cleaning Service Huntington Beach

Steam Master Carpet Cleaners provides superior-quality carpet cleaning rug cleaning and upholstery cleaning services throughout Newport Beach Corona del Mar Balboa Island Laguna Beach and surrounding areas. Having served the local area for over 65 years we have the expertise necessary to thoroughly clean a broad range of carpets area rugs furniture upholstery and car and boat interiors. We use advanced equipment and safe yet highly-effective cleaning methods to remove spots dirt pet odors and allergens. All carpet cleaning services are performed on site by our IICRC-certified technicians while upholstery and rug cleaning is done at our Costa Mesa facility by our dedicated team of rug and upholstery cleaning specialists.Call us today to schedule carpet cleaning upholstery cleaning or rug cleaning services anywhere in or near Newport Beach Newport Coast Costa Mesa Corona Del Mar Balboa Island Laguna Beach Irvine and Huntington Beach. We offer free phone estimates and can typically accommodate same-day or next-day appointment requests. We also offer local pickup and delivery for FREE with upholstery and rug cleaning jobs over 150.Address 1710 Santa Ana Ave Costa Mesa CA 92627Ph. No. (949) 645-1313Bizvotes - ca costa-mesa carpet-upholstery-cleaning steam-master-carpet-cleaners-1834321.html bizHotfrog - s company 1245521002168320Hubbiz - s Read More - s carpet-cleaning-services-newport-beach-ca.php



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