Eminent Minds Pvt Ltd is Offering Wide Range of Dell Used Lapt

Dell Vostro V131 Slime LaptopCore i3 Processor4GB Ram500GB Hard DiskHD Web CameraFinger Print ScannerHDMI PortIntel HD Graphic 2GBWindows 10 Os 64bitsWiFiGood Battery BackupOriginal Dell AdapterDisplay Size13.3 Inches (33.78 cm)DisplayLED HD WLED Anti-glare Display1 Month Warranty Market Price - 16500 Eminds Discount Price 11500 - For any Enquires order call us on 81970187two4 Walk-in Directly - Eminent Minds Technologies Pvt LtdNo 11 1st floor 80ft ring road KengeriNear Shirke Apartment Bus Stop KengeriSatellite town Bangalore 560060Near - Karur Vysya Bank Thanks Geetha Eminent MindsIT Sales Team 8197018724. 12-03-2020



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