Baik Mi Korean Restaurant is looking for full-timepermanent Rest

Position Restaurant ManagerTerms of employment Full-time PermanentWage 24.50 27.50 Hour (depending on experience)Working hours 30-40 hours WeekBenefits 4% vacation pay Job Duties Plan manage and oversee the entire restaurant operation Make sure that safety and health regulations are followed Estimate consumption forecast requirements and maintain inventory Resolve customers complaints or concerns Settle use of facilities and catering with clients Manage staff s work schedule and observe staff performance Actively involve in recruitment and training process Job requirements 2 3 years of food service sector including supervisory experience are required Educational Requirements Completion of secondary school Number of Positions 1 Language Requirement English Location Surrey BCCompany information J.Sun Food Corporation dba Baik Mi Korean RestaurantContact Information Moonyoung JangEmail address address 19539 Fraser Hwy Surrey BC V3S 6K7



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