Online Tutoring - Take action against Coronavirus

In the wake of the Coronavirus it is important to limit contact with others. Unfortunately this means temporarily saying goodbye to the traditional classroom setting in order to protect loved ones and ourselves. I am a current high school senior offering online tutoring services for a very reasonable price. I have taken numerous AP math and science courses common core classes and independent college courses making me qualified to teach others those subjects. I am an A student who is looking to save money before college and to help out others in the time of this crisis. Feel free to ask more about how online tutoring works and below are the courses I am able to tutor in but feel free to contact me about other courses that are not listed Science AP Physics AP Chemistry AP Biology AP Environmental Science Earth Science Elementary School Common Core ScienceMath AP Calculus AB AP Calculus BC AP Statistics Elementary School Common Core MathComputer Science Computer Science Introduction AP Computer Science A AP Computer Science Principles C C Java Javascript and PythonFeel free to contact me via text to ask more questions I am qualified to teach AP honors regular and college level courses. I have tutored in the past onlne and in real life. Thanks



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