Book this week Easter

Enjoy with us your family stay in Mexico City Each Suite has a different design and architecture complete privacy with a cozy atmosphere that guarantees rest and tranquility on your business or recreational visit. Each suite has - Basic services -Kitchen kitchen utensils open television. Prices from 10 500 per full week. (7 nights) Located in the lvaro Obreg n delegation near Viveros Coyoac n and the ISSSTE Regional Hospital Lic. Adolfo L pez Mateos three blocks from Insurgentes Sur. Ask about our promotions. Rates subject to change without notice Remember that having an early reservation will always be a better option we invoice you and accept card payment. Reservations and quotes communicated with Alejandra V zquez (whatsapp) 5548219257 or from 7 00-14 00 to 62-79-93-93 56-62-76-26



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