Home for Sale in Canyon Lake TX - 1235 Sequoia Trail

Home for Sale in Canyon Lake TX 1285 Sequoia Trail 195 000 MLS 3981614 BEDS 3 BATHS 1934 SQFTWhat a peaceful view from the upstairs balcony of this great Canyon Lake property You ll love the open floor plan and wood-burning fireplace. There are two large decks upper and lower with fabulous Hill Country views. 24x14 shop in the back with a c a 12x8 Morgan building and 10x8 metal tool shed. Mature trees include live oak crepe myrtles and peach. Lovely garden area. Concrete driveway with 4 spots. 4 blocks from lake access 3 blocks from pool. Owner financed with 60K down Call for your showing now Listed By Dawn Loding exp Realty 830-481-7580 dawnlodingrealtor(at)gmail.comFor more info s myre.io 0aDhf7rrWAxAr



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