1969 Ford Mustang Mach 1 Super Cobra Jet

1969 Ford Mach 1 Super Cobra Jet Motor & 4.30 1 Rear End 3-Speed C-6 Auto Transmission. Car Has Been Complete Restored Original Motor Transmission & Rear End. Everything on This Car is in New Condition as if the Car just came off the Showroom Floor. Interior has been fully Restored Has Original Radio & Above Glove Box Clock Shaker Hood Power Steering & Power Front Disc Brakes. All Replacement Parts used in the Restoration are OEM Original. Original Wheels w Goodyear Poly-glass F70-14 Tires. Rear Seat Folds Down New Carpet & Headliner & New Vinyl Seats & Gauges New Wiring & Circuit Board. Everything on the Car is in New Condition all the way down to the Nuts & Bolts Owner has Clear Title & Owner s Manual.Location of Car Denver CO VIN 9F02R140121Looking for Financing Contact-Credit Union of Denver-They are a National Lender.Please No Trade Offers No Broker or Marketing Calls SMS Text Messages will not be answered-too many scammers Showings are by Appointment ONLY for Qualified Buyers Please have your Financing set up BEFORE you ask for a Viewing of the car. Call 72066030sixtwo. Additional info at nextstepprosales dot com Marketing Company for Private Sellers-This is a Private Sale-No Sales Taxes are Collected. If you see this Ad Then the Car is Still For Sale Youtube Videos youtu.be DnxDHtGN5Aw & youtu.be rQ_SM37vW6Q



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