Gifts for EveryoneHolidays Every Day TAROT ReadingsLessons

Tarot readingsLessonsGift certificatesI am intuitive and empathicThe hits I get off the cards add depth to readingsWho wouldn t want the gift of insight to help figure out the year ahead Book a standard reading or one tailored to see into the new yearREADINGS 20.00 per person per session includes a brief basic reading extended reading1-on-1 intimate provocative chock full of mystery surprises and laughsCash onlyLESSONS 100 per person for 4 lessons (Each lesson can last up to 2 hours)Each lesson includes a thorough examination of the deck in detailAnd a handcrafted signed and numbered limited-edition study written and designed by meFee for lessons is payable in cash up front with future sessions scheduled on day of first readingAfter the first couple of lessons you will know enough to start reading for family friends and events and start raking in CASH from fees and tipsGift certificates are available for lessons and readingsReadings and lessons will take place in a public venue or at your homeCall Michael from an unblocked number at 216 858 0918 or 216 218 7797Or respond by e mail with your name and phone number in yourfirst e mailI DELETE TEXTS AND BLOCK THE NUMBER THEY COME FROMI m can t wait to sit with you



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