Get the Most Reliable Batten Luminaries Solution From Comledtech

Founded in 2011 Shenzhen COMLED Electronic Technology Co Ltd is a veteran manufacturer of LED lighting. It is an ISO 9001 approved company and they can be your most specialized & dependable dealer. The offer best quality LED Batten Luminaries which are right substitute for conventional products and supply energy savings up to 80 % compared to conventional lighting technologies. They require only little space thanks to compact dimensions. We are a knowledgeable company of LED lighting and consider that we can be your most specific & trustworthy mercantile. We are a team fervent in developed LED energy-saving lighting LED sensor lighting & LED emergency lighting which widely used in parking-lot metro warehouse museums passageways stations airport etc. Address 4th floor 8th building Xinxintian Industry Park Xinsha Rd Shajing Town Bao an district Shenzhen China Phone 86 (0755)23109966 Email info(at)comledtech.comWebsite



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