Beautiful Uttrakhand Tour Package by Tifa Holidays

Uttarakhand is one of the popular destinations among the tourists who wish to plan a visit with their family friends or your partner. Known as the Dev Bhoomi this state is every pilgrim s golden staircase to the doorstep of almighty. For the thrill of adventure the solace of the mountains the Beautiful Uttarakhand tour has many motives. Every moment that you spend here you move to a more diverse landscape and treasures. From snow-covered peaks swift rivers and lakes lush valleys wildlife sanctuaries skiing and ancient villages there is not a single dull moment here. In summers or winters for family Uttrakhand is always a great place to visit. Beautiful Uttrakhand. tours in such a way that you can enjoy all its multiple charms. In summers you can opt for our Beautiful Uttrakhand tour packages to visit famous sites.ItineraryDay -1 Delhi - Nainital (330km 6h-39min)Arrive at New Delhi Airport Railway Station Meet our representative Taxi Driver c-m guideAnd drive to nainital aproxe 330 kms. Reach hotel by evening and check-in evening is free for own activities. After dinner overnight stay in Nainital.Day- 2 Nainital Local SightseeingDay second move around Nainital for local sightseen Naina devi temple Snow view point Adventure Options Naina Peak Himalayan view point Hanuman garhi Naini Lake Mall roadEvening come back and After dinner overnight stay in Nainital.Day -3 Nainital - Ranikhet (57km 1h-54min)Start after early breakfast to Bhimtal have some fun there Gaura parvat Nal Damayanti tal Hidimba parvat and proceed to Ranikhet. Check-in to hotel. evening is free for own activities. After dinner overnight stay in Ranikhet.Day -4 Ranikhet to Almora (45km 1h-40min)After breakfast checkout from hotel and go for local sightseen. Chaubatia Orchards Jhula devi temple Built in 8th century the temple dedicated to Goddess Durga is known for its cluster of elegantly designed bells. and Kumaon Regimental Centre Museum The Kumaon Regimental Centre is a famous museum that was built in the 1970s to showcase the rich legacy of the Kumaon Region Further proceed to Almora for next destination reach by evening and checkin to hotel evening is free for own activities. After dinner overnight stay in Almora.Day 5 Almora to Mukhteshwar (52km 1h-59min)After check out from hotel explore local sightseen and start for mukteshwar Dedicated to Lord Shiva the hilltop temple with white marble Shiva Linga and Copper Yoni is surrounded by idols of Brahma Vishnu Parvati Hanuman Ganesh and Nandi. You have to climb a series of winding steep stone stairs to reach the sanctum. Next to Mukteshwar temple is Chauthi Jaali and area where it is believed that a Demon and a Goddess fought a battle Nanda Devi is the 2nd highest mountain peak in India and overall 23rd in the world. It stands as tall as 7 816 m above the sea level Reach hotel by evening and check-in evening is free for own activities. After dinner overnight stay in Mukteshwar.Day- 6 Mukhteshwar to jim corbett (112km 3h-31min)Morning start for Jim Corbett after breakfast Via Talla Ramgarh Malla Ramgarh Bhowali Haldwani. Check-in to hotel. evening is free for own activities. After dinner overnight stay in Jim Corbett.Day -7 Jim Corbett jungle safariAfter Breakfast start Jungle Safari in Jim Corbett This all days you will roam around famous and biggest Tiger Reserve Park of India by open Gypsy. Evening come back to hotel and free for own activities. After dinner overnight stay in Jim Corbett.Day-8 Jim Corbett to Delhi (270km 5h-30min)Have breakfast and start for final destination to New Delhi as per your choice (Any hotel Airport Railway Station etc.)s st_tour beautiful-uttrakhand-tour-package



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