Badrinath Kedarnath Yatra by Tifa Holidays

Divine Do Dham Yatra (Kedarnath and Badrinath) offering you a wonderful chance to visit the two most important Hindu pilgrimage sites Kedarnath and Badrinath. Also blessed with mesmerizing scenery in abundance Kedarnath is one among the twelve jyotirlingas of Shiva and Badrinath shrine is one of the 108 Divya Desams of Lord Vishnu.Through this Do dham yatra package you have a great chance to visit the two most pious destinations of Char Dham Yatra along with other sanctified spots like Guptkashi Rudraprayag and Rishikesh.Itinerary1st day Delhi - RishikeshArrive Delhi airport railway station assist your representative meet and transfer to Rishikesh over night stay at here.2nd Day Rishikesh - GuptkashiAfter morning breakfast checkout from here and drive to Guptkashi via Rudraprayag.Enroute you can see the beautiful river Ganga and Alaknanda till Rudraprayag The Mandakini river comes from Kedarnath drive alongside the river to reach Guptakashi visit Ardh Narishwar (Vishwanath) Temple in Guptakashi. Check into the hotel arrival in Guptakashi. Overnight stay at Guptakashi3rd Day GuptKashi Kedranath - GuptKashiDrive for Sersi Phata after will take helipad for Kedranath Darshana and same day return from Kedarnath Pooja and over night stay in Guptkashi.4th Day Guptkashi - JoshimathTake a good & heavy breakfast and drive for Joshimath. Check-in to hotel and over-night stay here.5th Day Joshimath - Badrinath - RishikeshMorning take a holy dip at Badrinath hot water springs and take a holy darshan of Baba Badrinath finishing darshana will start to drive for Rishikesh and over night stay here6th Day Rishikesh - DelhiAfter breakfast proceed for Delhi (200 Kms 7 8 hrs. journey).Tour concludes with memorable experience.s st_tour badrinath-kedarnath-yatra



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